Monday 14 July 2008

I'm watching Nathan Barley, it's funny.
I'm thinking of buying some books, I got my own Amazon account so I have recommendations that aren't shit.
I ordered a laptop yesterday, it's a white Dell Inspiron and I'm pretty excited - it could take until the 28th though :(

Saturday 28 June 2008

E=I'm an idiot

My brother is playing a gig on Colwyn Bay pier, apparently it's in the ball room and I would really like to see what it's like in there - I'm not entirely sure I'd feel safe though, it doesn't look at all stable.

Thursday 26 June 2008

I like how this turned out, I didn't modify it in any way which is very unusual for me.
I have been running at 11am every day since Monday with Cal, I think I will be pretty hardcore if I keep this up along with some weightlifting or at least a few press-ups here and there (weights are too heavy).
I think I will finish Crime and Punishment tomorrow, if not tonight :D

I found some jeans I like, and I'm totally going to buy them.

'Crime and Punishment' is good, I'm sure this 'Dostoevsky' fellow will make a name for himself if I take the time to review it here (I call it the 'Pete bump').

Sunday 15 June 2008


I took three photos from my back garden and put them together with some Photoshop magic - I think that's called a panoramic photo? whatever.

I tried to do some 3D modelling, my intention was to make a seahorse but it went a bit wrong - but I am optimistic that with the amount of free time I now have I will become at least slightly competent at it.
I need to invent some sort of exercise regime so that I can become 100% hardcore, I will definitely join the gym at university because there won't even be room for press ups in my measly student accommodation.
I think I have band practice this week, I hope it goes well.

Saturday 14 June 2008

I got my hair cut, yay.
I got my finance forms back and I'm going to have about £65 a week in university, and I don't have to spend anything on food so thats my sweets/alcohol budget - I think that's enough money so I won't bother working during this 4 month holiday, yay.
Why the hell did 'Fall out boy' decide to cover 'Beat it'? it's Michael Jackson and Eddie Van Halen, what could they possibly add? I already know the answer to this question because I found the song on the iTunes top 100 singles list, it's just really annoying.

Thursday 12 June 2008

Horse whipping, vodka

Well, that's it, I have officially finished college and scraped a 'DDM' grade with my unique brand of applied apathy.
So the question is: what do I do until late September (when my university adventure begins)?
I have a ton of videos on the following subjects: astronomy, physics, 3D studio, CSS2, Java, biology and maths - the Java videos so far have taught me nothing since it's all basically identical to the C++ I know, but the physics, biology, and maths videos are awesome it's like being in school only you can lie down.
I am reading 'Crime And Punishment' at the moment and I think I'll finish it very quickly what with all the spare time I now possess.

Sunday 8 June 2008

I want to make something in Photoshop today.

Saturday 7 June 2008

Random photoshop things

My Photoshop folder contains endless files, the candy necklace thing is from last week and the 'network' thing I made randomly today.


"Do you like belly buttons, models, rockstars, arguments, backstage gossip, mysteries, cartoons, sexy looking people and general randomness? Then you're going to flippin' love BBC Switch.

Switch on BBC 2 on Saturdays for Kyle XY, the cult show about a boy with no belly button. OMG is he, like, an alien or something?"

All of a sudden I hate the BBC

Friday 30 May 2008

My dad put this in the porch, I think it looks like an organic gramophone.

Wednesday 28 May 2008

I'm so hungry, I'd love some popcorn right now - this is an important thought that needs to be recorded.

Tuesday 27 May 2008

I got my drum kit and I need to tune everything on it, but I can't be bothered.


My brother got Rock Band and I am quite good at the drumming, this does not surprise me.
I will be so annoyed if I don't get my drum kit tomorrow, also I am definitely going to finish Catch 22 at some point during the day.

Monday 26 May 2008


I am so bored, I played with Photoshop for a bit - at least I'm a CREATIVE loser.

Sunday 25 May 2008


I am playing with a new band for the first time on Wednesday, and I am getting my new drum kit on Tuesday (I think) - I really hope this band works out, since I have an awesome drum kit and am available 24/7 for 3 months...

I just took this photo of the sun, since it looked very orange outside.
I will have to wait until Tuesday for my drum kit, I think - if it doesn't come Tuesday I don't know what I'll do...cry maybe.
I am waiting for 3 books from Amazon that I ordered a while ago, it is annoying.
I have nothing to do today so I guess I'll just exercise a lot, on Monday I am going to try and swim a mile (64 lengths) - I think this is very ambitious (see: impossible, stupid) as the first time I have gone swimming in roughly 3 years was last week and I only did 3 lengths which made me pretty tired.

Thursday 22 May 2008

I think I might actually finish the Welsh Baccalaureate tomorrow, and then I have a week off and Fridays off for the rest of college (about a month).
I hope I have my drum kit by Monday, I want to do some double bass shiz.

Wednesday 21 May 2008


I took a photo of a slinky, also I got my double bass pedal - it's pretty sweet, I will have to practice using it a bit over the half term - I might be joining a band...I love playing with people but I really hate playing gigs, especially when under-prepared (I have been under-prepared for every gig I have played).
I haven't been reading too much recently, I'm going to try and read a ton in the half term.
Looking at things in college, I should finish altogether in under three weeks except for some sort of ceremony thing they might have, and then I have 3 months to read a between fiction I really want to become confident with all maths relevant to my degree before I start it.
I am still trying to write a story, any story.

Tuesday 20 May 2008


Strawberry yoghurt + ice cream + milk + blender=I want my FUCKING drum kit.


I ordered a Yamaha custom stage advantage drum kit, it's red and it has two holes in the bass drum which I think looks pretty cool, it was only a shell pack so I got a blue Yamaha Rydeen snare and I also bought a double bass pedal - I am going to have so much fun with this.
I am learning French for no reason at all and it is really fun.
Also I am writing a short story.

Monday 19 May 2008

I have 2GB of acapella mp3s and I am going to make terrible mixes tomorrow.

Saturday 17 May 2008

I just watched Les Misérables, hohoho.
I'm starting to think I'll have to do the Welsh Baccalaureate work before Wednesday or I'll be murdered.
The week after next I am going to the Museum of Science and Industry to see BODY WORLDS.
Going to run for about 10 minutes now.

Friday 16 May 2008

I just put tape on my weight bar so now I don't have to think about where I put my hands, and suddenly it's so much easier - I was worried all the time about whether I had an even grip.
I am currently addicted to buying books on Amazon.


Today I read random things about WWII and did not attend college.
I just read three Russian short stories by Dostoevsky, Turgenev and Tolstoy; they really were very short, and I like that.
I heard that the weather is going to turn sour tomorrow, if it does I will be very sad :(
I look forward to my 1am cup of tea.

Thursday 15 May 2008

I'm too tired to lift weights, doing nothing in college all day is really tiring. I'm going to hand in every assignment that's due in next week - technically I only need to complete 1 more assignment for any one of 3 units to ensure that I can't fail (since I can present ANYTHING for the last e-commerce assignment, I only need to fail it to pass the unit).

Wednesday 14 May 2008

I just ran on my treadmill through a QOTSA song, and then someone mentioned that 'Through the fire and flames' by Dragonforce is a long song so I ran through it - possibly the nerdiest thing I've ever done ever and that is saying something. I've done exercise today though so my conscience is clear for at least another whole day, I'll lift weights tomorrow it's easier...I think I might go to the leisure center to do it since I can't be bothered adjusting mine.

Tuesday 13 May 2008

Catch-22 is great, really great - but tonight, people, I'm going to read all of 'Metamorphosis' before I sleep.
I saw a butterfly that had white wings with orange edges, I have never seen one of those in my life; I looked it up and it was an 'Orange Tip'.
I am sure the weather is going to go terrible very soon...

Monday 12 May 2008

It's so hot, I feel like I could drink forever. I just cut a hedge and now I am all itchy.
It feels like Tuesday so that's good I guess, I mean I will have a pleasant surprise tomorrow morning when I don't have to get up - waking up on Saturday at 7am all anxious thinking it was a school day and then realizing it wasn't was always awesome.
6 weeks until college is finished, I'm doing the bare minimum and I don't think theres much chance of me failing now but it's still on my mind - I can barely be bothered going in.

Friday 9 May 2008

I am going to watch TV from 10pm onwards..yay. I have like 100lbs of weights to bring inside but first I need to get rust off them with a wire brush it will be very fun for everyone involved (me).

Improving your own learning and performance

I'll stop now.

Thursday 8 May 2008

Wednesday 7 May 2008


I just ran 2 my bedroom, it's not quite as horrible as running outside!
I started reading Catch-22 yesterday; I was just in the garden reading it- I love this weather a lot, and trees.
I need to do some sort of Welsh Baccalaureate work for tomorrow which I think most people have done, yikes.
Last night I woke up at 3am and scribbled notes for some sort of story, I don't know where they are - I bet they suck, but if I do that every night for an infinite number of nights I will definitely write something better than the complete works of Shakespeare.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

I just finished 'Disgrace' and simultaneously walked 1km in the comfort of my own bedroom, awesome.
Also I ate a Creme egg twist bar or something, A+++ WOULD EAT AGAIN.
Today I obtained a treadmill and it tells you your pulse, I'm aiming for 1,000,000bpm.
I have just done two assignments, but I only did the pass parts - it's way better than doing the merit and distinction nonsense I usually do (I don't even have to read most of the assignment!). I'm expecting harassment about the Welsh Baccalaureate this week, as long as none of it involves me being kicked off the course it's cool (because that would be HORRIBLE NONSENSE, when I was in Bryn Elian and we were the "lucky pilot school" they said you had to pass it to get into year 13); I want a BTEC national so I can go to university.
I'm going downstairs to read now, I might be some time.

Sunday 4 May 2008

Lady writer on the TV

My dad got a Wii and it is pretty cool yo, the controllers make noises!. I went with him to HMV to get it and watched the fighting ring at the extravaganza, it was hilarious - there was this gothic guy who had this look of determination and put his hand up when they asked for any wrestlers and he ran straight at the beast they had on and got absolutely destroyed, but he never lost his determined look - maybe he was waiting for a chance to use his special move...but it never came :( I think I should have done the boxing because the two people from the audience that they made fight didn't have any sort of guard up and they were both exhausted in a minute (I'd probably have been up against someone who is known as 'The Hammer of Death' to his friends).

Saturday 3 May 2008

Oh yeah, Peep Show was awesome and Derren Brown's 'Trick or treat' has potential.
I finished reading 'Snow' yesterday and now I want to read everything by Orhan Pamuk, I am now reading 'Disgrace' which is short enough and..err..flowing? enough that I think I will finish it in under a week. I have 18 Scientology books that I am never going to read which make a sky scraper on my shelf, I wonder if I can sell them?
I didn't go to the extravaganza but my family did and they told me about a boxing ring that you can fight in for a prize, I didn't think you could do that sort of thing in this litigious age.
I am going to do bits of assignment work tomorrow, I haven't been in this week so I feel like I'm definitely going to fail - I haven't missed any submissions and I only want a pass in every unit (if that, I'm allowed to fail two!) but there are two assignments in next week that I haven't really looked at - I'm getting really lazy recently it must be the sun; I quit sixth form around this time.

Friday 25 April 2008

Da da da da

I hate key skills and everyone responsible for their creation.

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Today I saw my brother in some concert thing at college, it made me want to play the drums a lot - I want to be in a band that plays at different places all the time, my (immense) talent is wasted and it won't last forever! I think I'm going to buy a new drum kit.
I am currently formatting my new HDD, it's not very exciting.
I haven't done any college work and it's probably all due tomorrow.

Friday 18 April 2008

I went to a funeral today and it was not as scary as I thought it would be.
I have ordered a 500gb external HDD to store my ever-growing collection of amazing files and some clip-on headphones so I can run and listen to my iPod simultaneously.
Today I did the first graphical design I have done in a zillion years, I spent about 5 minutes on it and it is completely pointless.

I have an appointment with someone at the bank on Monday so that I can upgrade my account to some student account thing, enabling me to receive massive loans etc.
I am reading 'Snow' and I want to finish it by Friday, it's about snow and other things.

Thursday 10 April 2008

Oh yas, I am getting a new internet tomorrow! it will be very fast and spectacular.
I have started reading 'The Martian Chronicles' it is weird, and yesterday I read 'Things fall apart' which was great (I now have a deep hatred for white people).
I am only in college for one day next week as everyone else is going to Cardiff, I will try and do work but I will probably just read a lot.
I dreamt that I was in Rhyl and I woke up in a theme park that was set on a grassy hill when nobody was there in the morning, I found a dead parrot :(

Monday 7 April 2008

I read 'Cat's Cradle' today, I hope I can continue to read at this rate.
I just gave blood and my arm hurts.
I haven't done any college work.

Sunday 6 April 2008


I started and finished 'The Lost World' yesterday, I rule. I am switching to BT broadband on Friday and I hope that I survive college so I can use it, I haven't done any college work :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Tuesday 1 April 2008


The police HQ roof is on fire and there is a lot of smoke coming from there and over my house and the police have been round a few times in a car saying "please stay indoors and shut your windows and doors for your own safety", so I decided to eat a disco biscuit.

Monday 31 March 2008


Today I painted a fence, it was fun. Yesterday was my birthday so I am now 19 instead of 18. I have nothing to do tomorrow so I think I will try and read a lot I have a huge pile of books to get through and also a ton of films to watch. I'll probably watch a Miyazaki film, probably.

Sunday 16 March 2008

Monday 10 March 2008

Bring on the storm!

...and the digital TV switchover! I'm fully prepared for both.

Monday 25 February 2008

Strawberry fields where y=xⁿ

Today I did some maths it was fun.
I have been reading 'V' for about a month now I need to finish it, I really like it but I can't bring myself to read for more than five minutes at a time.
My brother made me design an album cover because some radio station wants our CD, I hate designing stuff.
Tomorrow I am going to do nothing, I love doing that.
I'm trying to decide where I will live when I go to Bangor, and they haven't even acknowledged my reply to their offer yet.

Thursday 21 February 2008

Funk to funky

All I think about all day is sleeping and tea, I just drank tea then and I'm going to do it again in under 15 minutes. This is not a healthy lifestyle and I expect to die quite soon.
I am listening to Hendrix and looking at my lava lamp and thinking about sleeping, this is living.
I just downloaded every Pixies album ever and Donnie Darko, <3 E-commerce <3

Wednesday 20 February 2008

The Brits

Arctic Monkeys :(

Listen to my band:

A short poem

I was in a recording studio,
For eight hours.
My head hurts.
Music, I hate it.

Monday 4 February 2008

Daily statistics

Creme eggs eaten: 1
Actual achievements: 0

Tuesday 22 January 2008

I have eaten too many sweets, I know this because I feel sick and my head hurts.

Friday 18 January 2008

I thought love was only true in fairytales

But love is also true on just look at this message I received.
  • From: Perla50mk
  • Subject: hey, what's up!
  • Date: 18 Jan 2008, 19:47

So, i guess the time has arrived for me to start using this site. I can hold back no longer! I took a look at your profile and well, I liked what I saw.. :p

So um, my name is Donna Parker. I think me and you should be friends, cause you seem pretty nice, and possibly cute! (it's so tough to tell in this digital world :)

anyways, i'd go on and on, but I'd like to get an answer from you.. You should check out my other "space" on this other site, I'm usually on over there: http://urlremoved (my username is foxy_babe). Then maybe we could chat sometime! you know what they say.. looks wins over the eyes, but personality wins over the heart.. haha..

take care,

Donna Parker

Wednesday 16 January 2008


I have a cowbell. And I'm in a new band which is my old band but slightly different.

Monday 14 January 2008

I was just listening to 'Hey ya' by 'Outkast' and I believe it poses an interesting question when it asks 'What's cooler than being cool?', I took some time to think about a possible answer to this question and I believe I have come up with the answer: it's me. I'm cooler than cool. Hey ya.

Sunday 13 January 2008

I walked home from Wetherspoons last night, it took 3 hours - wow.

Monday 7 January 2008

my lava lamp is working now, I moved it away from the computer fan, I am very glad.

Sunday 6 January 2008

My lava lamp is broken and I haven't done anything all day.

Saturday 5 January 2008

My computer was overheating so I took it to a computer shop and it is now fixed, yay.
I have to do college work some time before Wednesday. Uh oh.

Tuesday 1 January 2008

Wow it's 2008 this is amazing.