Friday 30 November 2007

30th November

I got the job, I have to learn stuff on Monday
It's only 4 hours a week but in holidays it is more
I hope I do not fail

I did something in Photoshop that was A4 size today, I've not done that before, it was a poster for some college thing that I thought it was pretty awful but people seemed to like it

I am currently listening to 'The birthday massacre', one of the many bands I discovered last night on my musical quest to find more music, its electronic and kind of cool, I downloaded one of their albums and I have a lot more downloading to do from the massive list I made last night.

I'll be looking for more bands tonight that I like, I'm really into Bloc Party right now and I can totally do all the cool drumming which makes me feel special.

I've nearly finished reading 'Hocus Pocus' by Kurt Vonnegut, it is really good, and very funny.

I'll have to go to the library tomorrow to get 'Stranger in a strange land' to stop myself from trying to write songs (I cannot write songs).

Tuesday 27 November 2007


I just broke all of my toes walking to the computer
I shouldn't leave weights lying around


Maybe they will employ me because it will make them look like an equal-opportunities employer


I just got a phone call I have an interview on Thursday at 8 for a job at a pub OH MY
I want to have money but seriously I will panic to death within an hour.
But having money would be cool, I could go out without feeling depressed then
Gig tomorrow, I am full of worry
I'm playing with magnets they are fun, when really I should be doing work


I forgot to go to Colwyn Bay and look for a job
I have also done very little work
But there's still time!

Monday 26 November 2007


I forgot, tomorrow I am going to look for a job in Colwyn Bay which will be scary.


I sat down today with my soup and it appears they have moved Neighbours to 2:10 so that it follows Doctors...DOCTORS??? I am so saddened by this
I had band practice today with Silent Expression and we are going to be recording in the studio in two weeks which will be good so long as I remember everything.
I'm trying to college work but I keep doing anything else, it feels like I'm trying to put two repelling magnets together, I have magnets with me right now.
I hate guitar, whenever I try to play a bar chord I mute a lot of the strings and no matter how I press they won't play :( power chords are my friends.
I am listening to Romeo and Juliet by The Killers right now, it is awesome.
I'm still nervous about Wednesdays' gig.

Sunday 25 November 2007


I was just playing drums with my brother playing bass and my sister singing and we played some Queen songs and it was fun.

Ground control to Major Tom

I have been playing various Bowie songs today on my brother's acoustic guitar and they have sounded OK, I don't remember them now though - I never thought I'd be able to play the drums so if I stick at it for two years I will become reasonably good!

Saturday 24 November 2007

Reading list

Stranger in a strange land
Robert A. Heinlein

Phillip K dick

Fahrenheit 451
by Ray Bradbury (1954)

The Drowned World
by J G Ballard (1962)

by William Gibson (1984)]

by Bruce Sterling [ed] (1986)

Player Piano
by Kurt Vonnegut (1952)

Brain Wave
by Poul Anderson (1954)

The Forever War
by Joe Haldeman (1974)

The Martian Chronicles
by Ray Bradbury (1950)

The Caves of Steel
by Isaac Asimov (1954)

The Lost World
by Arthur Conan Doyle (1912)

by Frederik Pohl (1977)

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
by Robert Louis Stevenson (1886)

The Invisible Man
by H G Wells (1897)

I liked some Phillip K. Dick stories, 'Do androids dream of electric sheep' and 'A scanner darkly' are awesome, but his short stories (including 'Minority report') just annoy me.
I've read 'Slaughterhouse five' and 'The sirens of titan' by Kurt Vonnegut and I really enjoyed them.
I've only read 'I, Robot' by Isaac Asimov and that was good, no mention of Converse though.
I will try my best to read all of these books - I need something to do, then next week I'll make another list.


I have recently come under accusations that my life consists of eating soup and watching tv but I would like to take the time to tell you that today I played the drums at band practice and we have a gig on Wednesday which is scary AND I can now sort of play 'Golden Touch' by Razorlight on guitar. Also today I read 3 pages of Vic Reeves' autobiography, I want a book that I like I will check some GREATEST SCI-FI BOOKS OF ALL TIME list online.

Friday 23 November 2007

I am listening

To Moby's greatest hits, they are great.
Don't ever tell me I'm not cool.


Today I had to build a tent out of newspaper in college, which sucked, and at some point I'm going to have to play "fancy dress football" which was not my idea I would never even think this.
Also I have lots of real work to do for college, I should have done media because all of them have good grades and they probably just filmed videos and other fun (easy) stuff.
My cold is disappearing.
I'm happy right now because I am drinking tea, I'll be bored very soon.

Thursday 22 November 2007


I feel more lonely with every kilobyte they add to my storage capacity :(

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Wednesday is the greatest day

  • College term ends in 2 weeks and there are dead lines galore and I have a cold NOTHING COULD BE WORSE THAN THIS
  • Neighbours was terrible today, I love Neighbours so much
  • Neil Peart does some cool sounding drumming sometimes
  • Watching prison break now

Tuesday 20 November 2007

Prison Break

The guys cat just got killed, that is so Green Mile

Heroes series 2 episode 9 was completely amazing, I hate Mohinder Suresh now though, fictional character or not.

I just updated my pseudo-mac to Leopard, new icons and the star background...wait...why am I even alive?

T-Mobile support

  • I'm glad you've emailed me today as this gives me an opportunity to help you.
  • I'm sorry to hear that you don't know the answer to your security questions to reset your password to access your online account. Being a regular internet user it?s upsetting when you can't access your online account. I understand how inconvenient this must be for you.
  • Thanks again for taking the time to email me Peter and I'm sure you'll be able to access your online account very soon.

Why is he so friendly and how does he know I'm a regular internet user :(


Today I watched two DVDs:
  • Ricky Gervais: FAME (2007): I enjoyed it a lot like Animals and Politics
  • Jimmy Carr: Comedian (2007: I enjoyed it a lot like the other two which I own
I am now watching Prison Break episode 7 because I've seen all of Heroes and I am enjoying it a lot, people are breaking out of prison and there is rap music, I also watched Neighbours (which sucks) today whilst I ate pea and ham soup which is a major part of my life; Australian people dealt with everyday issues and after the soup I had a yoghurt.
In conclusion I enjoy watching stuff and I have done that a lot today.

I had band practice with Silent Expression today and it was good and they took photos and I look stupid in mine.

I have band practice with Starlight Fix tomorrow for the first time, that should be interesting.

I still can't do anything cool in C++.