Monday 31 December 2007

I just went to Llandudno with my family and bought clothes it was great, I have work at 3.

Sunday 30 December 2007

I just watched the 'Big Fat Quiz Of The Year' which featured some of my favourite television people, David Mitchell was particularly funny (I have seen him live!), Noel Fielding was funny even though I no longer like the Boosh as much, and Russell Brand was better than usual (he did not over-elaborate on anything too much but this is after editing).
I am reading 'Through the looking glass' now, having created a mushroom graphic that I am happy with I think that tommorow I will try to make a better lava lamp than the one I have made or a hookah.
I have work tommorow! I will also receive payment for the past two weeks and then come home and eat food with various family members to celebrate the new year, I want to go to a psychedelic party with incredible lighting but I think they were outlawed in the 70s.
I have finished Alice And Wonderland and also watched some episodes of 'Screenwipe', I'm bored now I will find something else to read.
I just walked to Rhos and drank tea outside some place with my parents and it was nice and on the way back I ate a MEGA-LOLLY from Co-op which was equally nice, I am very hungry now and I am reading Alice In Wonderland.
I just watched 'City Of God' it was like reading a novel but it took less time, I am now watching the Christmas episode of Extras.

Saturday 29 December 2007

Today I watched 'Pan's Labyrinth' it was great, I read 'The Great God Pan' and 'The Raven', I am reading Alice in Wonderland right now.
I walked for about an hour with my dad to the rainbow bridge and up the steps there again today, it was very windy.

Friday 28 December 2007

Important details

I am eating liquorice allsorts, I want to design something, I am listening to Paranoid Android.
I have new clothes omg.
And I bought 'the HISTORY of ART' it was really cheap and it has pictures!
I have nothing to do until Monday when I shall be working.
I'm going to watch Pan's Labyrinth whenever I can.
I have expanded my reading list a lot, it will take me years to get through it, I'm still reading 'Brave New World'.
I'm going shopping in Chester! my throat hurts! I think I get paid on Monday!

Thursday 27 December 2007

I'm bored and eating chocolate coins, I think I have eaten about 10p(chocolate currency), I don't know the exchange rate :(

Wednesday 26 December 2007

I look forward to tommorow.
My neck hurts and it is late.

Tuesday 25 December 2007

Oh man

I just watched the end of 'Doctor Who', it's so hilariously awful - I really laughed when someone said "she's just atoms now, Doctor", what a way to go :(
Harry Hill was pretty funny.
I want to drink more tea and it's really hot downstairs :O
Everyone except me is watching Coronation Street, I think I might as well do this too.
I received:
  • 'Customer service for dummies' from my sister
  • Juggling balls (I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME JUGGLE) from my parents
  • Money (I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BUY) from everyone

I have been playing with my brother's synthesizer which has annoyed him slightly, I like playing the fast bits from 'One more time' by Daft Punk (well, stuff that sounds similar), I keep adding ridiculous vocals and nobody is impressed by my sound experimentation.
It is Christmas, what?

Monday 24 December 2007

I just went to my grandparents and I drank tea and now I am going to drink more tea, I love tea.
Listening to 'Spanish castle magic' (very extended and awesome version) now and my lava lamp is in FULL FLOW.
I just worked for 5 hours and I wore a santa hat which made me smile way too much.
My dad got me two new lava lamp bulbs! I can relax now...with appropriate music, I am listening to The Birthday Massacre now but I think once the lava melts completely I will switch to Hendrix.
I cannot believe it is Christmas tomorrow or how little I care :(
I AM LEGEND is the coolest film I have laid my eyes upon for quite some time.
Work tomorrow, yay!
I have money but I HATE spending it on alcohol/taxis...I'm going to buy something NICE, maybe 'V' by Thomas Pynchon, and I need a new lava lamp lamp.
I'm going to buy clothes on Saturday this will be great.

Sunday 23 December 2007

A double tragedy has occurred :( the lamp in my lava lamp (an ESSENTIAL component) has broken which caused my computer to restart :(
I am double sad :(
I have every Hendrix recording ever which is pretty awesome, when they jam out all the songs for ages it's amazing but it's not quite the same without my lava lamp.

Friday 21 December 2007

I just watched Nevermind The Buzzcocks it was funny but I do not like Mark Ronson he was critical of Bill Bailey's musical ability which is UNACCEPTABLE and RIDICULOUS.
HIGNFY and QI were not on but some massive special program about that coal mine program was on, what the hell is wrong with people? who watches that? the same people that watch 'The Vicar of Dibley' no doubt.
'1984:THE MOVIE' was okay.
Tomorrow I will probably watch 'A scanner darkly', I really liked it last time and the book is one of my favourites.
I am still listening to Funk/Soul, and completely fascinated by my lava lamp.
1984 is nearly finished I have paused it quite a lot, I'm not sure I'd know what the hell was going on if I hadn't read the book.
'Brave new world' is quite good, I will finish it in no time at all as it is quite short.
I am watching 1984, I hope it will be as good as the book, if it isn't I shall protest.

Thursday 20 December 2007


I am bored.
I have a ton of acoustic versions of songs, they are good.
I can play 'The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill', and I got £40 from some christmas cards.
Work begins at 7pm :(

Wednesday 19 December 2007

I finished the book!
I am listening to 70s Funk/ is fantastic, I think I have found the musical holy grail!
I will start another book now.
I am eating ice cream, I grated a chocolate bar onto it, this is a healthy alternative to eating a chocolate bar on its own.
I am bored.
I think I will eat an apple later.
I'm going to read 'Stranger in a strange land', I keep planning to finish it but I do not.

Tuesday 18 December 2007

I am listening to 'In this life' by Moby, it is very relaxing.
My head hurts.
I have Stevie Wonder's greatest hits, I have listened to most of them - I actually want songs that have bass(guitar?) like 'Superstitious', 'I Don't Know Why I Love You' is pretty cool.
My finger hurts.

Monday 17 December 2007

I also want a Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band belt buckle.
And a life.
I want a 1970s lava lamp and a poster of The Beatles.
Recorded two whole songs at the studio today.
I have nearly finished 'Stranger in a strange land', I will read 'Brave new world' next.
I am going to watch 'The Aristocrats' tonight.
I hate the cold.
I'm cold.
I watched Downfall, it was very good.
I'm going to sleep now.

Sunday 16 December 2007

I tipped my lava lamp upside down, its gone WILD
I turned my lava lamp on a while ago but nothing has happened.
I am so bored, I was just playing Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and I am on the 'Purple Haze' levels, I love these levels, tomorrow I will turn my lava lamp on.

Saturday 15 December 2007

I just ate a meringue with cream and was great but now I feel ill, I used to eat them every week in the summer holidays.


My feet are cold.
I think I will drink tea now.


Today I watched 'The Mighty Boosh', 'Have I got news for you' and 'QI' - it has been a good day in terms of TV-watching,

The latest episode of 'The Mighty Boosh' made me laugh in several places, I hope the quality continues to improve, the moon totally sucked though.

I can now play the chorus of 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds' without hurting myself much!!

Friday 14 December 2007

My mum just came home and she has bought me popcorn and ALPHABET CANDY!
I am watching Borat at the moment and tonight I am going to read all of 'Stranger in a strange land' (which just went SURREAL) and it will be FANTASTIC!
I have 3 weeks off now, I have something to do on the 22nd and that is all!
I don't like spending money, especially money I have earned.
I got paid last night, more than I expected! there was a choir there most of the night which was peculiar and...atmospheric.
College finished at 12 today so now I have nothing to do!

Wednesday 12 December 2007

I have had 3 pints of Strongbow, which my brother paid for...thats enough for me
I just ate a lot of Twiglets, Mini Cheddars and biscuits
I hope I feel OK tomorrow!
I'm the biggest lightweight in the entire world.


College was boring today but there was no teacher for the first 3 hours, leading to unruly behavior, people were playing with tape and putting it on people - wonderful!
There are lots of deadlines tomorrow and ton more on Friday, we finish at 12 on Friday though - CHRISTMAS!!
I am probably going to Wetherspoons with my brother this evening as he said he will buy me a drink, I don't mind that at all.
I want to go to Old Hall on the 23rd as my brother's band is playing, I will have to tell work that I am going to a family Christmas celebration - I will spend all my money on alcohol and Mat might come and it will be terrible (it will seem good though, magic!).

Tuesday 11 December 2007

I have done some work now..BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH


I haven't done any work, damn.

Dogs are stupid

I am trying to read in the garden, its cool I just lie on the bench that has been conveniently installed there, but my dog won't shut up for a second she's just barking constantly, so I am charging my iPod which will allow me to ignore her entirely!


I'm so hungry, I brought Twiglets up here but I am still hungry, I want more Twiglets.
I am watching Have I Got News For You, Rob Brydon is presenting it - Wales reprazent!
Paul Merton is so funny.
I want to do college work tomorrow as it is all in this week and I also want to finish my personal statement so I can go to university, I don't really know what to say I've written that I like computers and reading and play the drums....that's all there is to me, which is depressing.
I will eat pea and ham soup tomorrow like I did today, and watch Neighbours, I will also read 'Stranger in a strange land' some more.

Monday 10 December 2007

Everything recorded ok.
I just gave blood, I am heroic.
Wow it was cold in the garden, I was warm until my tea ran out.
I just walked the dog, which was a cold experience.
Going to the recording studio with Silent Expression now.
I am of course drinking tea at this very moment.


I changed my mind about the's too late.
I'm going to read in the garden, and drink tea.


I just ate chocolate #10, advent calendars are awesome.
I'm going to shower and then walk to the library.

Sunday 9 December 2007


I have done nothing today, I am not happy about this.


I am playing Sega Master System games, I'm looking for this weird one me and my brother rented once where you were an alien and went down a well and there was a lot of big weird was creepy.
I just remember when I went to Toys'r'us and there was a glass cabinet with Master System games in it, that must have been a long time ago - I think we bought some ninja game.
I was so terrible at the games we had, they made ridiculously difficult games back then :(

Saturday 8 December 2007


I enjoyed the 3 hours of work I did today...sort of, football fans are loud I still hate football.


I got 186058361800 on bells.swf, maybe I should play this instead of doing anything else ever


I have to work 4-7 so I can experience it when it's busy
Do you ever wonder if medieval people ever got the feeling that their doctors might be causing them more harm than good? I am wondering that right now because I am playing a 'medieval surgeon' game that is like Trauma Center DS but hilarious.

Friday 7 December 2007

Simon Amstell DESTROYED Noel Fielding, I'm not sure who to love, the Boosh has definitely dropped in quality though.
I nearly got 6000 on jetman (helicopter.swf on facebook with scores!) so now I am rank 25568, I need to stop playing these little games so much.
I am watching Nevermind The Buzzcocks it is funny Simon Amstell is funny Noel Fielding is funny
I am going to read 'Stranger in a strange land' when it is complete.


My new high score is 12486989300, it's too big for the score box, oh my gawd, if I keep playing I will discover the highest number in the world!


At college today there was a 50inch TV with an Xbox 360 hooked up to it and a pool table in another room, I played pool and lost and played the Xbox for 5 minutes (on MY copy of Halo 3) in the first round and came second, thus losing my place in the tournament (OUTRAGEOUS).
So I did basically nothing all day except play 2D flash games, my high score on winterbells.swf is now 5392794790 which I am pleased with, the game is so christmassy and cool I will just play it all the time in the holidays instead of anything else, I don't get bored of these games like other people.
5392794790. This is my true calling.

oh dear

So I served drinks to people and they lied to me about their lives and I got confused a lot, this one guy explained to me how he was going to slowly kill me in his shed.
Next Thursday I will be going back, they didn't fire me yet.
I have a headache and I just drank tea and ate Frosties, I am downloading Nevermind The Buzzcocks to watch on my computer screen.
Tomorrow in college I think I am just playing games/pool for charity or some shit.
I am listening to Monster Magnet, it is my new thing there is a man shouting "THERE'S DINOSAURS IN VIETNAM" at the start, what could be better?
Why do I have to work when the only good TV is on?
Time is passing slowly, I wish Buzzcocks would hurry up.

Thursday 6 December 2007


I'm going to grow a tangerine tree
Then I'll write a song called 'Tangerine tree' featuring surreal lyrics and the 5 chords I know

Wednesday 5 December 2007


I am working behind the bar tomorrow 7-11:30 and I have NO idea how to do anything, I have forgotten everything they told me on Monday, this is a disaster.


If I was a film critic I'd say "Hidden themes can stay hidden for all I care", in the magazines it would say:

"Hidden themes can stay hidden for all I care" - Peter H

It's an option, I will consider another career tomorrow.


I was just eating a tangerine and I found a seed, a tangerine seed, I've never found one of those before so I'm going to assume they're rare and worthy of celebration.
It was cold today, I felt so bad in the cold - I'm sure that other people don't feel as bad as I do in the cold because otherwise there would be no Eskimos.
I'm trying to write my personal statement, I want to go to university immediately.
'Stranger in a strange land' is AWESOME.

Tuesday 4 December 2007


I am eating Ice gems!
So yesterday I learnt how to do everything behind a bar, I'm just not sure I remember any of it.
I watched Heroes S02E11 today, it was quite awesome but there are no more episodes for an unconfirmed length of time.
I love ice gems.
I am on page 104 of 'stranger in a strange land' I think there is only about 700 its a really good book.
I think I will finish it before I carry on reading 'A transatlantic tunnel, hurrah!' (crazy title)
Im also planning on reading 'the man in the high castle' by Phillip K Dick which is supposedly his most famous book, I thought that was 'do androids dream of electric sheep'.
Ice gems.
Oh yeah, Neighbours was good today.

Monday 3 December 2007

oh yeah

I just went to the library and got to page 35 of a book and realized I had missed Neighbours, I bought three bags of alphabet candy from Woolworth's for £1 which I feel is a great deal and I ate one bag on the way home.
I am cooking pea&ham soup right now.
I think I will drum along to something on my ipod, then its band practice at 4, I feel like learning all of 'message in a bottle'.

Sunday 2 December 2007

blade runner

I am watching blade runner and it sucks compared to the book, the evil acrobat robot is quite nice though (except she is dying violently as I write this, Harrison Ford is a dick)
I'm so bored
Tomorrow I learn to do BAR WORK.
I don't know whether they pay me for the two hours training, my life will improve dramatically if I get a job I can do and stuff.
I'm going to go to my mums work (the library!) and bring home 'stranger in a strange land' and read it tomorrow as I have finished 'Hocus Pocus' (AMAZING book).
I also found out that I don't have to get very good grades this year to get into university, but I will still try my BEST.
Harrison Ford is getting MESSED UP right now.

Saturday 1 December 2007


I just got my hair cut
I'm bored